Tentunya para sobat sudah mengenal Software Photo Editing yang bernama Photoshop bukan ? Nah, kali ini saya akan memberikan sebuah Software Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 yang sebenarnya sudah dirilis beberapa bulan yang lalu , tetapi baru bisa diposting sekarang karena lagi sibuk juga nih sobat xixix . Adoobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 adalah sebuah software yang dapat sobat gunakan untuk melihat , mengorganisir , serta memperbaiki kualitas Foto sobat . Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 ini juga biasa digunakan oleh para Photografer Professional karena didalamnya terdapat banyak tools dan fungsi lainnya .
Organize Effortlessly :
- Automatically organize photos using Smart Collections
- Work with high-quality previews of offline images from multiple libraries and drives
- Automatically import and process high-volume shoots
- Use custom keywords to organize photos Enhanced
- Automatically rename files on import and convert to universal Digital Negative (DNG) format
- Manage photos and volumes even when they’re offline
- Quickly find any photo with powerful sorting and filtering
- Apply custom presets to images on import/export
- Access and edit a comprehensive set of metadata fields
- Browse groups, compare photos, and zoom in on details
- Create virtual copies of photos to save hard-disk space
Correct , Enhance , Edit :
- Target specific areas of a photo for dodging and burning
- Expand your workspace across multiple monitors
- Enjoy state-of-the-art 64-bit memory handling
- Tightly integrate with Adobe Photoshop
- Easily compare before and after versions of photos
- Precisely convert color to black and white
- Eliminate dust, specks, and red eye
- Retrace your editing steps to return to any version of a photo
Showcase Your Talent :
- Easily transfer images to popular photo-sharing sites
- Access a rich community of export plug-ins and web gallery styles at the Lightroom Exchange
- Print more efficiently with flexible and customizable templates
- Create web galleries with no coding required
- Sharpen photos when you output to print or the web
- Stamp your photos with metadata on output
- Compose sophisticated slide shows with music
New Features In Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 :
- Highlight and shadow recovery brings out all the detail that your camera captures in dark shadows and bright highlights.
- Photo book creation with easy-to-use elegant templates.
- Location-based organization lets you find and group images by location, assign locations to images, and display data from GPS-enabled cameras.
- White balance brush to refine and adjust white balance in specific areas of your images.
- Additional local editing controls let you adjust noise reduction and remove moiré in targeted areas of your images.
- Extended video support for organizing, viewing, and making adjustments and edits to video clips.
- Easy video publishing lets you edit and share video clips on Facebook and Flickr®.
- Soft proofing to preview how an image will look when printed with color-managed printers.
- Email directly from Lightroom using the email account of your choice.
System Requirments :
- Intel Pentium 4 or AMD 64 Processor
- Windows Vista SP 2 or Windows 7 SP 1
- 2 GB RAM
- 1 GB HDD Free Space
- 1024 x 768 display
- DVD-ROM Drive
- Internet Connection Required for Internet Basic Services
Cara Install :
- Download Semua part dan letakkan dalam 1 Folder .
- Join dengan Hjsplit kemudian extract menggunakan Winrar
- Jalankan setup.exe dan tunggu Instalasi hingga selesai .
- Buka keygen.exe dan pilih product yang digunakan ( adobe photoshop lightroom 4xx )
- Patch host file dan copy serial.
- Enjoy :)
ScreenShot :

Link Download :
- Download Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Full Keygen Part 1
- Download Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Full Keygen Part 2
- Download Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Full Keygen Part 3
- Download Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Full Keygen Part 4
- Download Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Full Keygen Part 5
- Download Keygen Only Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4
- Password :
from : bagas31.com
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